New digital opportunities and challenges are constantly emerging in the market. Some are driven by external factors, while others originate from within your organization.
The Bloom 8K Barometer gives you insight into where your business is particularly strong and where you are potentially challenged. You'll get:
We look forward to seeing your results.
As the name suggests, the 8K model works with eight different aspects that are essential to consider when developing your digital business.
The central axis of the model is your business, your customers and the channels where you meet each other. In the following, we will briefly introduce both these and the other aspects.
This aspect is about integrating the digital space fully into the business.
The core narrative of the company must be reflected in the digital presence and digital disciplines must strengthen the whole business.
Prioritizing the necessary financial resources for the digital area is also necessary for succeeding with the core.
The prerequisite for digital success is a clear understanding of customers, their needs and wants.
Expectations of a seamless Customer experience are constantly rising and technology enables us to serve our customers better, more personally and more efficiently than ever before.
At the same time, it is important that the organization has the right activities in place to both retain existing customers and attract new ones.
Channels are the contact points where business and users meet.
A key challenge is that the number of digital communication, sales and marketing channels has multiplied – and continues to grow.
At the same time, users expect the experience to be consistent and synchronised across channels – both physical and digital.
This places very high demands on both the choice of channels and the orchestration across them.
You need the right people with a certain level of skills in order to be a success.
This applies both to the permanent staff in the organization and to the skills involved on a more ad hoc basis.
Digital activities often cut across established areas of knowledge. Your organization should take this into consideration by drawing up clear roles and responsibilities.
Digitalization is driven by technology – and the right technological capabilities are needed to deliver on digital ambitions.
The systems, data and KPIs that make the business work are your capabilities, as well as the ability to automate and scale the areas that are critical to success.
The interaction between IT and business is central to this area and should be an area of focus for digital success.
In the digital world, the competition is just a click away – and knowing what customers are considering as an alternative can be a big help.
At the same time, digitalization and disruption go hand in hand, so competition may come from a completely unexpected quarter.
The competition is often very direct in marketing channels such as Google and Meta, and competitor knowledge can therefore be a significant driver for the business.
For many companies, the meeting with the customer takes place in interaction with other companies, be they subcontractors, distributors or partners.
Selling through marketplaces may be relevant for some. For others, affiliate agreements with partners that generate leads may be an option.
Whatever the model, partnerships and collaboration can be a valuable part of your digital go-to-market approach.
All organizations are affected by external circumstances.
No business operates in a vacuum. Economic cycles, pandemics and war are just some of the macro-factors dictated by the surrounding society. We must master this context to survive as an enterprise.
We can start by making sure we comply with the law, pay our taxes on time, and manage privacy and compliance. That alone is harder than you might think.
In Bloom Digital we can advise you on digital solutions - and we can also help you leads complex projects or programs.
We are proudly independent and have solid experience. You can always be sure that our project management, advice and recommendations are based solely on your company's real business needs.
Phone: 7199 7272
Bloom Digital
Store Kannikestræde 18, st.1169
Copenhagen K
CVR: 42 62 32 45